If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, our team will be happy to help you.

How to get in touch with us: click on the button "Your contact person" then select your position "Standort", e.g. München. Afterwards please select the general customer service "Allgemeine Kundenberatung" and in the last box you have to choose the letters your last name starts with. 

Commencement of cover, rate of insurance contributions 2025.

Members of the BMW BKK have both health and nursing care insurance. You have full insurance cover from the first day.

The rate of the insurance contributions for the BMW BKK is 17.5 % for health insurance, of which compulsorily insured employees pay half from their gross salary, while the employer pays the other half.


As an employee with voluntary statutory health insurance cover (with an annual income of over 73.800,00 euros), your insurance contribution is calculated from the so-called contribution assessment ceiling, which currently stands at 5.512,50 euros irrespective of how much you earn.


As for nursing care insurance, the contribution rate depends on the number of children. For more information, please contact your employer.

The membership declaration form for the BMW BKK can be requested from the BMW BKK or you can fill it in directly online.

Newborn feet

Insurance cover for familiy members.


As a customer of the BMW BKK, you can insure your spouse (or civil partner in accordance with the LPartG) and your children with us for free, if:


  • They live in Germany,
  • They have no insurance cover of their own,
  • Their own income is below 535 euros.

For minor employment, the income limit is 556 euros.

In the case of children, insurance cover depends on their age; they can be insured for free:

  • Up to the age of 18.
  • Up to the age of 23 if they are not gainfully employed.
  • Up to the age of 25 if they are at school or in professional training or are fulfilling a voluntary social or ecological year.
  • Over the age of 25 for a period equivalent to the time that their school or professional training was interrupted or delayed by military or community service.


The application for free family insurance must be made in writing with the BMW BKK. Just get in touch with us.

Claiming benefits / charging.

At the beginning of their insurance cover, all customers are issued with a health insurance card by the BMW BKK. In order to issue this card, we required a photograph (from 15 years of age). You should present this card every time you visit a doctor or dentist. Billing takes place directly between the doctor or dentist and the BMW BKK. You may use all doctors or dentists with health insurance approval.

happy woman

Scope of benefits.


Specifically, your insurance cover with the BMW BKK includes:

  • Treatment from a doctor
  • Dental treatment
  • Dentures
  • Orthodontic treatment (brace)
  • Hospital treatment
  • Medicines and dressings
  • Therapeutic remedies and aids
  • Sickness benefit
  • Travel costs
  • Health resort treatments
  • Household assistance
  • Home health care
  • Maternity assistance
  • Benefits in case of long term care

In general, you are not given a bill. You are only required to cover statutory co-payments and supplementary charges (e.g. for medications, therapeutic products, hospital treatment, dentures).


Any medically required medicines will be prescribed to you in the event of illness by the doctor. You should take the prescription to a chemist or pharmacy, who will hand you your prescribed medicine. Your co-payment will be no more than €10.


For all other benefits, the treating doctor is the ‘key’ to all benefits. This means that it is the doctor who establishes that you have a need and prescribes the respective benefit (e.g. massages, etc.).


Should you have any further questions regarding the individual benefit areas, please contact the BMW BKK.

Man and woman at the beach

Insurance cover during temporary stays abroad, holidays.


Health insurance cover with the BMW BKK remains generally in force even in other European countries, as well as in certain other countries (enquire with the BMW BKK for more details) with which Germany has concluded a so-called social security agreement.


However, the costs covered are greatly limited, and in some cases, high co-payment sums are payable, or else benefits are not covered at all (for example the cost of return transport). For this reason, we recommend that you take out a private international health insurance policy.


BMW BKK customers can take out international health insurance with worldwide cover for up to 70 days per holiday trip for €8.40 per year (up to 64 years of age).  

Woman in a callcenter

BMW BKK health partner and specialist doctor appointment service.


This is a service offer from the BMW BKK that provides you with answers to your personal questions on matters of health and medicine. The BMW health partner provides you with information about the entire range of medical service benefits in Germany, quickly and unbureaucratically.


Tel. 089 125 016 118 (charged as a local call)


Please have your insurance number to hand when calling this number.


Your BMW BKK health partner is available 24 hours a day, every day, even if you need support in arranging an appointment with a specialist, and will see to it that you get the appointment you need as quickly as possible.


Further information is available from the BMW Group intranet under ‘BMW BKK’ (on the front page) or directly from our website at www.bmwbkk.de .


The BMW BKK wishes you a successful stay – and above all good health – while you are in Germany. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Central mailing address, addresses of the BMW BKK regional offices in Munich and free service number.

Zentrale Postanschrift
Postfach 15 33
84126 Dingolfing


Dostlerstraße 3
80809 München


FIZ Projekthaus
Knorrstr. 147
80937 München


Free service number: 0800 112 82 40