Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. Get more information about this topic!

Every individual with a place of residence in Germany must have health insurance. There are very few exceptions which apply only to certain professions and sections of the population.

Germany also has a so-called dual system of both statutory and private health insurance. Each type has its advantages and drawbacks. There are also certain regulations as to who is entitled to which type of insurance.


Health insurance in Germany, in particular statutory health insurance, is based on the concept of the welfare state. According to this, everybody pays into the system and those who require benefits due to illness or accident are provided with support. Not everyone will use up the full amount they have paid in over the course of their life, but everyone helps finance those who are in greater need.

Statutory health insurance.

Most people in Germany have statutory health insurance. Here, the insurance contributions are based on individual income. The higher the person’s earnings, the more they pay. However, those who earn less or nothing at all are also well insured.

Private health insurance.

Under a private health insurance scheme, contributions are based on the individual’s age and state of health. The older you are and the more previous illnesses you have, the higher the contribution. Occupational groups such as civil servants, the self-employed and high-earners with a gross income of over €73.800,00 for more than a year can generally take out private health insurance.

It is important to consider very carefully whether or not to take out private health insurance because generally speaking it is irrevocable. Once you have private health insurance, it is permanent.

The terms and conditions of a private health insurance scheme will tend to be more favourable at the beginning and become less economical with increasing age. Private health insurance is generally particularly expensive if you wish to include family members or start a family. There are also considerable differences in the benefits available depending on the scheme you choose.

The most important thing is to be sure you obtain detailed information before switching to private health insurance. BMW BKK offers expert and individualised consultation on this issue. Our experienced staff will be happy to get together with you and compare details, look at the advantages and drawbacks of statutory and private health insurance and consider the benefits and risks.

Voluntary insurance with the BMW BKK.

If your annual income exceeds the limit of €73.800 (2025) you are voluntarily insured with BMW BKK.

The difference between this and mandatory insurance is that the monthly health and nursing care insurance contributions remain the same (on a yearly basis). And you don’t pay any extra contributions for one-off payments such as vacation allowances or Christmas bonuses.

The electronic healthcare card (EGK).